🌳Paulownia - tree of future

Paulownia is the "green prospect of bioenergy", the fastest growing tree in the world.

The premium grade light wood is used to build premium yachts and ships, produce high-quality furniture, musical instruments, snowboards, skis, and building finishing materials. Paulownia is a valuable tree species and is used in most areas where premium materials are required.

Paulownia occupies a large part of the US and European market, which is worth more than $10 billion. In China, paulownia is grown on more than 2.5 million hectares of land per year [1].

Paulownia is the fastest growing tree in the world. In just 2 years, the tree can reach a height of 7-10 meters, and after 5-6 years, the tree is fully ready for processing. This is very fast, for example, the competitor of paulownia, black poplar, grows at a speed of 2.5-3.5 meters per year.

Moreover, paulownia is the most environmentally friendly tree in the world. Due to the peculiarity of the leaf structure, the tree traps carbon dioxide, dust and noise 4 times more than a normal tree. One tree during the growth cycle absorbs 22 kg of harmful carbon dioxide (CO2) and gives off 6 kg of oxygen (Pic. 1).

Paulownia was chosen because the tree grows on less fertile soils. In fact, it can even grow in the desert, as paulownia is not demanding on conditions, only a large amount of water is needed.

This is also a feature of paulownia - it requires a huge amount of water, delivered by drip irrigation, proper care during all 5-6 years of the cycle, which allows to obtain a smooth wide trunk 8-10 meters high to the crown and significant investments in fertilizers, applied especially intensively in the first 3 years of tree growth.

Our specialists have put a lot of emphasis on creating the right irrigation system, throughout the perimeter, for the unobstructed growth of your assets.

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