❗Risks Warnings

Potential investors should independently assess their financial ability to bear the risks associated with the complete loss of funds used to purchase NFT plots. Before taking any action, it is necessary to obtain appropriate professional advice.

A. Risks associated with the underlying crypto technology. Crypto assets, including NFT plots offered under this White Paper, are associated with significant risk inherent in all assets based on blockchain technology. As crypto assets carry a high degree of risk, they are not suitable for a wide range of investors. It is important that the Investor fully understands the associated risks and has sufficient financial resources to bear such risks.

B. Legal risks. Cryptocurrency markets and exchanges are not regulated by the same provisions or customer protection measures that apply to investing in stocks, options, futures, or foreign currency. Legislative and regulatory changes or actions at the state or international level can have a negative impact on the use, transfer, exchange, and value of crypto assets.

C. Taxation. Taxation of crypto assets raises questions for many people, mainly due to the nomenclature surrounding the crypto currency space. Some call crypto assets "cryptocurrencies" and believe that they should be taxed in the same way as other income from currency transactions, where all profits (regardless of the holding period) will be taxed as ordinary income. Others consider crypto assets to be goods and believe that they are taxed in the same way as commodity investments or real estate. Most states do not have a clear approach to the taxation of crypto assets, and tax regulation in this area is subject to constant change.

D. Technical risks. BVRR Limited does not own or control the underlying software protocols that govern the operation of crypto assets, including NFT plots. Typically, underlying protocols are open source and anyone can use, copy, modify, and distribute them. BVRR Limited is not responsible for the operation of the underlying protocols and does not guarantee their functionality, security, or availability. Underlying protocols may be subject to sudden changes in operating rules, and such changes may significantly affect the value and/or functionality of crypto assets that use such protocols. The features, functions, characteristics, operation, use, and other properties of specific crypto assets may be complex, technical, or difficult to understand or assess. Given the above, crypto assets are not suitable for all investors. As crypto assets are a relatively new technology with open source, it is expected that they will continue to be technically improved.

E. Risks of the internet platform. The investor confirms and accepts that there are risks associated with the use of the internet platform. These may include (but are not limited to) software errors, hardware failure, delays in updates, data corruption, and loss of internet connection. BVRR Limited is not liable for any failure and/or error and/or omission and/or breach that will occur in the blockchain network or in any other networks in which crypto assets are issued and/or traded. The investor will be bound by and subject to any changes and/or additions to the blockchain system.

F. Cybersecurity breaches and data theft. The frequency and scale of cyberattacks and other malicious activity on the internet continue to grow. The methods used for sabotage or unauthorized access to systems or networks often change and are usually not recognized until they are applied against the object of the attack. Therefore, companies, as well as their third-party partners, may not be able to predict these methods, respond to them in a timely manner, or take adequate preventive measures. BVRR Limited, BVRR Limited's service providers and their information and technology systems may be vulnerable to actual or alleged damage or interruption as a result of exposure to computer viruses, unauthorized intrusion and security breaches, and other destructive attacks, including denial-of-service attacks. In addition, BVRR Limited and its service providers may be vulnerable to actual or alleged errors in use made by the relevant professionals, network outages, computer and telecommunications outages, power outages, and catastrophic events such as fires, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes.

G. Risks associated with the cultivation of paulownia trees. Paulownia trees can die, become sick, or be damaged by pests. They may grow more slowly than expected, or produce less by-products and profits. Paulownia wood prices may fall. Paulownia trees may be exposed to adverse weather conditions such as drought, flood, or fire. They may be exposed to pests and diseases such as aphids, spider mites, and fungal infections. Paulownia trees may be exposed to anthropogenic factors such as air and water pollution.

H. Risks associated with the market situation. Demand and prices for paulownia wood may fall in connection with a change in the wood market or internal economic changes in countries that are the main consumers of paulownia wood. Paulownia trees may be exposed to economic cycles. Paulownia trees may be exposed to political factors such as changes in legislation or international trade."

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