πŸ’ŽWeb3Eco and Paulownia

We have combined the fastest growing tree with the most transparent technology to date - blockchain. We at Web3Eco clearly understand the importance of making investments in the environment and trees accessible to everyone, so our Polygon blockchain NFTs, backed by real assets, are designed to solve environmental problems and give investors a stable investment instrument.

Our main goal is to protect the environment, so we grow more trees than we tokenize. We are confident that our investments will be successful, and we are doing everything possible to ensure the safety of your trees.

Paulownia is a long-term and "green" investment, as trees absorb carbon from the atmosphere and turn it into oxygen, cleaning the air. Secondly, the price of paulownia wood has been steadily growing in the last decade and is expected to continue to grow at a rate of 3.9%. There is a constant demand in various industries, such as construction, furniture and musical instruments.

In addition, paulownia has a short harvest period - in the climatic conditions of the project plantations- from 6 to 7 years, which means that potential investors, according to the company's business plan, can receive a quick return on their investment [3].

Web3Eco takes on the full cycle of tree cultivation, from planting to processing. Nature does the rest of the work for us. If an emergency occurs, the company will replace the tree with a live one.

We understand that there is a risk that trees may die for various reasons, such as:

  • Poor quality seedlings (sick seedlings);

  • Insufficient content of elements in the soil necessary for the survival of the seedling;

  • The presence of pests in the soil brought on the seedling.

We cover these risks and guarantee that instead of dead trees, the investor will be provided with healthy trees with the same planned characteristics (age, care, growth rate, variety, etc.).

Our main goal is to preserve the environment, so we grow significantly more trees than we tokenize. This creates a margin of safety for us to successfully fulfill our obligations to investors. We are confident that our investments will be successful, and we are doing everything possible to ensure the safety of your trees.

Last updated